Gratitude's and Celebrations Week 18 - Happiness

Posted on the 08 November 2013 by Realityarts @realityarts

Gratitude's and Celebration - Happiness

You deserve happiness

Do you go around thinking that you don't deserve to be happy, that the silver lining in the cloud wasn't meant for you?  We can often allow those throw-away comments that sometimes fall out of the mouths of others affect our journey.

Are you listening to the naysayers.....

Get out your tool kit and bat away all those comments that won't contribute to your growth and disturbs your peace, you might even need to work on some of the thoughts that you hold about yourself that you haven't addressed.  Give yourself a make over, it's time to get some of that happiness that has been storing up for you!

Today I celebrate the many blessings that will come out of the tough times I have been through and those yet to come. I strive for peace, and I am grateful for the nuggets of insight that will help push me towards the things I know I deserve.

Peace - Gratitude's and Celebration Journal

As this week draws to a close can you think of where you need to find some peace. Do leave a comment and have a blessed weekend!
If you want to see how I made the journal (click here)