Gratitudes and Celebrations Week 20 - Attention

Posted on the 22 November 2013 by Realityarts @realityarts

Gratitude's and Celebration - Attention

What has grabbed your attention this week about your journey?  I still believe I am on the journey, willing to experence and make the most of the opportunities that come along the way.

Will we ever arrive and know all there is to know about everything - I think not, that is what makes life so exciting.  There is still time to learn new things, venture to new shores and watch another sunset.

I celebrate being able to see my son get to an age I remember as if it were yesterday, it seemed as if I had all the time in the world to live my life.  I am grateful for the opportunity to be creative and for the resources I have at my disposal.
As this week draws to a close can you think of the beautiful things in your life. Do leave a comment and have a blessed weekend!

If you want to see how I made the journal (click here)