Read the rest over at my friend Greta's blog: Gfunkified where I have a guest post today. Looking forward to seeing you over there.
I didn’t plan on getting married. My parents are on their 3rd and 4th
marriage respectively, and seeing that many failed marriages made me pretty
much reject the entire institution for a very long time. Then I met Andy. He came from a wonderful family where his
parents married right out of high school and still actually loved each
other. He was handsome and a dynamite
kisser, so what could I do but say yes when he asked me to marry him a mere
seven months after we started dating. It
felt right. I felt like I was home when
I was with him...
Read the rest over at my friend Greta's blog: Gfunkified where I have a guest post today. Looking forward to seeing you over there.
Read the rest over at my friend Greta's blog: Gfunkified where I have a guest post today. Looking forward to seeing you over there.