Diaries Magazine

Great Gizmos

Posted on the 09 April 2014 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
Great Gizmos
Great Gizmos are a leading provider of children’s fun, creative and innovative toys whose goal is to provide an extensive range of high quality products that parents and customers want to buy and kids will love to play with, at competitive prices.Great Gizmos was established in 1997 by frustrated parents who were annoyed with the lack of creative toys available to buy for their young children. They felt that the toys available didn’t focus on the important things in life, such as inspiring children’s creativity and building on their skills base, whilst also having lots of fun!We were recently sent a little selection of their toys to try out.The Diplo Dino Car from Plan Toys (£7.95) is my favorite of all the items - it looks so simple, just a wooden dinosaur with blue wheels - but is so sweet!It is very chunky and well made so I have no safety concerns when my 12 month old is playing with it....he simply loves wheeling it along and using it alongside his wooden play blocks. The Mould & Paint Cute Pets set from 4M (£8.95) is a great little set for older children - my 6 year old niece loves creating and painting the little animals, it gave her at least an hour of solid entertainment (meaning I got an hour of solid peace and quiet while on babysitting duty!)I'm a big fan of Nici toys so I was delighted to see this super cute Jolly Amy & Frances Sheep pencil set (£2.99) and Jolly Frances Sheep Bean Bag keyring (£7.99) in the package - Nici products are just so cute All of these items and a HUGE range of other toys and brands are available from www.greatgizmos.com
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