Great Stuff!

Posted on the 03 June 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

I’ve been pretty hard on stuff lately, talking about minimizing and purging, so I thought I’d take share just a few things I hope to keep forever.  They’re not big or fancy things, but they are representations of pieces of the world that I love– and I choose not to be without them if I can help it.

This is a postcard from Venice, sent to me from a friend in Germany, who I only know through the wonderful world of WordPress.  It’s a treasured piece in my collection of mail from around the world, because it counts as two places, and because it was one of those surprise gifts that arrives at exactly the right moment in time.  (P.S. Thanks, Steven!)

For those of you who read my post, Rainbow Luck, back in January, you’ll know the importance of this used book.  It is a precious reminder that friendship makes wonderful things possible.

Dave painted this for me for my birthday, only a few months after meeting me.  It was done on some cheap canvas that I had picked up for guests of my art gallery at the time.  It’s non-archival so it won’t last forever, but I’ll treasure it as long as I have it.  The innocent brown girl in a pink skirt is me.  The monster that she is outlined by is also me.  The poor attacked creature in the front is chocolate personified.

This is a button that friends of Dave passed out at their wedding.  It’s a dinosaur, wearing a sombrero, saying, “Make me a taco!”.  It couldn’t be more perfect.   It is a reminder of happy celebrations, turning old friends into new friends, and the wonder of being married to someone who even has similar preferences in people.


Is there any unassuming stuff around your house that means a lot to you?  Have you ever read As a Man Thinketh? Will you make me a taco?