Green Day Hair and Skin Care Solutions!
Posted on the 21 April 2012 by Courtyb34
In honor of Earth Day tomorrow, I have been doing hair treatments and a facial mask. All natural! First, I began with a hair treatment, I rubbed coconut oil through out my hair, my whole head and rubbed it deep into my scalp. It's a deep conditioning treatment, where you drench your whole head in coconut oil. After you rub it into your hair, your hair looks wet and oily, but it comes out when you wash your hair. Coconut oil is very good for your hair. It adds proteins to your hair and other nutrients as well as moisture. I left it in for 2 hours.

After the two hours of leaving the coconut oil in my hair, I put together my conditioner. I used Aussi Cleanse & Mend conditioner with some honey in the conditioner.
After my shower, my hair felt so soft! It still does. It feels so wonderful. I have always wanted the time to do that with my hair, and I had some time today. Plus it's natural things, and Earth Day is tomorrow. It seemed perfect. ***I also made a homemade, natural avocado mask.All you do is mash up an avocado, drip some honey into the mashed up avocado and add in some egg white.It's a very easy mask to make and it helps with dry skin and prevents wrinkles with the egg white. The honey helps make your skin soft.The avocado helps with moisture and helps keep your skin smooth.
After I washed it off, I could feel that my face was refreshed and very soft. It is always soft, but it was mega soft! Facial masks are my forte! I love facial masks, whether I get them from the store or make them myself. They are the best!The final results of my natural 'spa' day.I obviously need to recolor my hair soon.... but I kinda want to grow it out to my natural color again!There will be lots more Earth Day solutions tomorrow on Earth Day! I have been conserving all day, and I try to conserve whenever I can.Lots of fun projects gonna be done tomorrow! It'll be lots of fun. Very excited to share the projects I have found and very excited to celebrate Earth Day! It's sunny guys!!!