Green Tea with Lemon, Ginger and Mint - and a spoonful of honey - has beenmy favorite warm drink the past few weeks, like I wrote the other Friday. It is the season for all sorts of common cold now, and I have experienced that this mixture does not only taste good, but it seems to contain vitamins and other nourishing and strengthening qualities, that has kept me from getting the flu.

I boil a pot of water, and pour it in my teapot (for 8 cups tea), together with thinly sliced fresh ginger and fresh mint leaves. After about 6-9 minutes, when the water is about 75 C / 165 F degrees warm, I put about 3 tablespoons of green Sencha tea in an empty tea infusion bag, put it into the teapot and let it brew about 2 minutes, whereafter I remove the infusion bag.
Sencha tea has an aromatic and mildly sweet flavor - when brewed only 2 minutes. With longer brewing time the taste gets easily bitter - or if used boiling water. I leave the ginger and mint into the pot, since I like the warm feeling the ginger leaves to my mouth and throat ... The stronger, the better.
After pouring the tea to a cup, I add some honey and squeeze some citron juice to go with ... Voila!Green tea with lemon, Ginger and mint is a healthy and tasty way to build up your immune system against a common cold ... And a delicate warm drink, that surely will tickle your tastebuds.... Let's savor every sip!NinaSharing with Texture Tuesday Roses of Inspiration Saturday Share FestCamera settings ISO 800 f/4,5 1/15 sec. On Air_Lemon LightRoom preset & Epic texture by Kim Klassen
PS. We're having Winter Break and I am away from the blog - this is posted with the help of Bloggers pre-post planner