Aside from being a little ray of sunshine, she is also a creative force in her own right, who is also fluent in Chinese, and teaches little children how to read and write in Hebrew!
Little Things {creating positive energy in your life}
Whenever the sun is shining it seems as though there is not a care in the world. But what are we to do a few months from now, when the skies are gray and some days staying in bed seems better than throwing on a thick wool coat? Although life is a cycle, it is not always consistent. Of course there will always be sunshine, but there will always be rain—so it is important to pocket as many little things as we can to make the harder times in our life a little brighter. Even if only for a moment.

I find absolute pleasure in taking photographs, eating popcorn, watching Audrey Hepburn films, and riding around on my red bicycle. Sure, that may not seem productive when I have essays to write and projects to accomplish, but I need to do these things for me. The first thing you can do to start appreciating the little things around you, is to take an hour a day JUST FOR YOURSELF. Whether this means waking up an hour early so you can meditate in the morning light filling your room or staying up an hour later to watch Gossip Girl re-runs on Hulu—chose something that makes you happy, and make it consistent.

wandering around my pretty city, falling asleep to black and white films, picking tomatoes from the garden, playing in the sprinkler, riding my big red bicycle, iced coffee, fancy hats, pancakes for dinner, playing with my little cousins, the instant satisfaction of a Polaroid, reading, dreaming of the future, having happy teeth, hummus and pretzels, the anticipation of getting my first tattoo, wearing broken-in shoes, getting presents from the boyfriend, skyping with far away friends, counting down the days until Vermont, fresh laundry, catching fireflies, going out for ice cream, spending time with family, creating, taking photographs, used bookstores, and Disney music.
Thank you so much for your beautiful post Autumn!