Guest Post: Mummy Mondays - What Works For This Young Mom!

Posted on the 05 August 2013 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy

Hi Everybody! I'm Miya from Miya Loves. I would love to start this post off by thanking Hayley for having me as a guest poster on her lovely blog!
I'm a 20 year old wife and Mother to a baby girl. I'm also a student and a gal who loves to indulge myself in my hobbies and interest (Photography, blogging, etc) all of these aspects combined can be very time consuming. With a baby in tow, things can turn into quite a wreck without the right tools under your belt! Everyday i'm learning that there are things I can do in pretty much every aspect of life to make things a tad bit easier. I'll share a few things I like to do!
SOME days.. ok- no more than 4 times a week I actually make time to get dolled up. It sucks, but I do it. In order for it to work smoothly I get dressed when my baby is sleeping. Getting ready early in the day means I don't have to waste time doing it when I actually have to go somewhere. It also allows me to take my sweet time pampering myself.. ALONE. It's really important to do this for yourself if you have the opportunity. When I look good, I feel better
 [Plus it  really makes my hubby give me the "eye"... which he does even when I look like a crazy troll!]
                                 [Here is my little one being distracted by the TV & her exersaucer.. While I get dressed!]

  • Mama wear....What's that, you say? I'm the type of mom that likes to be comfortable. Since I am with my baby pretty much all of the time I kind of dress to suit that situation. I wear lots of tank tops! Easy access for nursing (anywhere) and easier to clean  if perhaps she may spit up all over me or have an exploding diaper episode. A nice pair of fitting jeans or leggings are a must have for me.

  • Learn the art of multitasking! When I want to be a social butterfly and hangout with friends but I have no baby sitter and errands to run I ask a friend if they would like to ride along with me and my little one. It's like a 3 in 1 situation. I can visit with a friend, get business done and I don't even need a babysitter!
  • Time management is the most important aspect ever. The way I manage time comes up in every single thing we all do. Time management is a great thing because it keeps you on point and on a schedule- you can get more things done in one day. It also sucks because you have to consistently do stuff. It's all worth it in the end, I suppose. I can't tell you all how many times I have woken up saying "I'm going to do this, this and that." & by the time I go to sleep that night I'm still saying "I'm going to do this, this and that." ... The same stuff is still on my "to do list" because I have not set up time to actually complete it! Like I said: time management is everything but it's easier said than done (in my opinion)
  • Once you learn to manage time and make use of every minute you have, you will get so many different things in your life finished.
Time management, like everything else that pertains to motherhood & womanhood takes work, practice and time to grow. We all have our different quirks that work for our everyday lives. We're all trying to get better at managing everything. The good thing is there is no wrong way when it comes to motherhood!
What are things that work well for you when you have kiddies running around?
Tons of fun babbling on in this post! Thanks, much for having me !
This was a guest post for Sparkles & Stretchmarks by Miya from Miya Loves - if you enjoyed this post, why not visit Miya's blog and follow her?!

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