Self Expression Magazine

Guilty … But Happy ツ

Posted on the 14 June 2013 by Kimeetay @Kimee_Tay

Hello fellow earthlings! I know. I know. I haven’t updated my blog for 2 whole weeks! Guilty … But Happy ツ

Yes! Shame on me -3- I have been really busy I suppose. LOL. From 31st May (Friday) till 2nd June (Sunday), I was in Singapore. I had such a great time there – I haven’t met my Singapore relatives in ages! I’ll blog about it soon – tons of pictures from my Singapore trip is being filtered at the moment. Haha. Stay tuned ツ

Right after I came back from Singapore, slept in my bed for less than 6 hours and ✈ ✈ ✈ I flew to Taiwan! The man reason I went to Taiwan was to attend 2 workshops. I had such great fun there – I wish it lasted longer! I was in Taiwan from 3rd June (Monday) till 8th June (Saturday).

After such a long trip, Sunday was my rest day. I actually had a primary school gathering on Sunday at Kaki Corner. But at the same time, Mom the Mommy told me last minute that we have dinner appointment with Tiff the Big Sis in Ampang. Obviously I chose family first. Haha! Plus I didn’t give priority to my primary school classmates simply because almost all of them never did bother to talk to me when we were in secondary school.

I know that people make new friends and all and I probably wasn’t up to their standards. However, I would still love to meet them one day. I mean, we had tons of memories during primary school time (it’s not like they remember any of them though). LOL. Moving on, I wasn’t able to update my blog early this week either because I was at Tiff the Big Sis’ house helping her with her research.

I guess you could call me the most useless research helper. Haha! I whined and complained a lot when I had to read journals for her! I couldn’t help it but it was so boring uninteresting to me! It was about pre-service teachers, concerns about teaching bla bla bla. Tiff the Big Sis is currently doing her masters in early childhood education (I think) at University Malaya.

I was at her house from Monday till Wednesday. And yesterday, I was busy (sort of. LOL) tidying up my room. After I came back from my trips, my stuff were cluttered everywhere! Which leaves me today!

Guilty … But Happy ツ

Haha! Thank God It’s Firday (¬‿¬) For me, being in holiday mode for 4 months makes everyday feel like TGIF. LOL. I do feel guilty for not updating my blog for a long period, however, I am extremely happy cause my final semester results are out (like one week ago)!

How did I found out about my results?
I was on the bus in Taiwan on the way to somewhere. LOL. It was around 4-5 pm I guess. I borrowed Aunty Christine’s Blackberry (it’s her office mobile), switched on data roaming and went to the check result website, typed in my UserID and … voilà

Disclaimer: Office mobile bills are paid by the company! Hehe


At first, I freakin can’t believe that I scored 4.0 for my 2nd semester – because during the exam, I missed a lot (for my standard) of questions! After my final examinations, I was thinking that if I scored 3.5, I’d be happy cause then my overall would be 3.75. LOL. But I achieved 4.0 again?! I am extremely happy ☜(˚▽˚)☞ I feel like the smartest ass in the world (let me have my moment alright). Haha. What I can conclude is that Malaysian Matriculation standards are pretty low. I didn’t answer so many questions on my exam papers and yet I still manage to scored 4.0.

Guilty … But Happy ツ

I was in Taiwan when I got to know my results. 2 of my friends – Bamboo and Paeh texted me and asked me what I score. I replied them only when I got home. Haha. Know what, I thought Bamboo scored 4.0 too so I replied him ‘same as you’. But turns out, he did not score 4.0. He had one A- and he was so bummed about it. Sighs. Poor Bamboo. A couple of people tweeted me to ask about my results but I ignored them. Call me mean but if you really want to know my results, call/text me directly or call the college and ask! Twitter is for tweeting, not to ask my results (I sound really lame in this sentence, but whatever).

If you have read some of my previous post regarding university applications etc, you would have known that I really want to be a student of the German double degree programme at Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP). Right after I finish the Malaysian Matriculation, I didn’t have the confidence to apply for it as I was afraid I could not meet the requirements. But right now, with my sort of perfect score, my confidence to apply to the German dual degree programme is burning bright!

Apart from applying through the UPU system, I also have to submit my full application to the German Academic and Career Centre (GACC) of UMP itself. This full application has to comprise of my curriculum vitae, relevant school certificates, forecast results, letters of recommendation and letter of motivation. Right now, I have just requested a recommendation letter from the director of KMTPh. But since they want letters, I guess I have to ask my secondary school teacher! I have not started on my letter of motivation ಥ_ಥ, my curriculum vitae and certs are also not organized yet. I got to start progressing!

Guilty … But Happy ツ

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