Surprisingly, this week flew by! I'm not sure how considering I was anxiously awaiting Friday to get here... my best friend from home is making her way to the North Country for a visit! I am SO excited and can't wait to show her what military life is all about for a weekend :)
Linking up with Lauren for H54F!
1// Bubba and I went to PT with daddy! We obviously won't be quitting our day jobs and becoming soldiers anytime soon...
2// Our first day of MomMeHour...check out that post if you missed it!
3//We discovered our new favorite place a few weeks ago and of course, playing basketball is Bubba's favorite!
4// Spending quality adult time with my lover <3
5// If it's possible to get an award for the cutest sleeper, he wins every time.
How was your week??? Wishing you all a fabulous weekend :) Xoxo
"Conquering life one step and one museum at a time."