Diaries Magazine

Hair Accesory Frame

Posted on the 19 October 2012 by Meltingmoments

Now that her hair is getting longer, B1 has gained quite a little collection of hair accessories. She has some lovely hair clips and head bands. At the moment they are all over the place. Some are in a container on her dresser, some are in a draw and there are some that are just randomly laying around the house. It was time to sort them and find a home for them.

So I decided to get creative. I have seen some great ideas on Pinterest and they have helped to inspire me but basically I just made it up as I went.

I gathered my supplies together from various shops. None of them cost very much at all.

Hair Accesory Frame  Hair Accesory Frame  Hair Accesory Frame

Hair Accesory Frame  Hair Accesory Frame  Hair Accesory Frame

Then I began creating.

First I lay the material face down and then placed the frame backing on top. Next I cut the material about 5 cms bigger than the backing all the way around. Then I cut the corners off the square of material so there wouldn’t be any bulk of material once it was stuck down. It doesn’t matter if it is not even as it will be covered. I then stuck the material down onto the back of the frame using the glue.

Hair Accesory Frame

I cut the ribbon into four lengths, each one approximately 5 cms longer than the frame on each end. I placed the ribbon under the backing and glued each end of the ribbon down. I stuck down some cardboard to cover the whole back area.

Hair Accesory Frame

Looking at the frame from the front I placed some glue onto the cross bar of the frame. This is a front loading frame. So the photo goes in then the glass gets clicked in on top from the front. The glass holds the photo in place. I wouldn’t be putting the glass back on so that I could clip things onto the ribbon so I glued the backing onto the crossbar of the frame to hold it in.

Hair Accesory Frame  Hair Accesory Frame

I glued on the little doll motif in the center at the top.

Hair Accesory Frame


Hair Accesory Frame  Hair Accesory Frame

Hair Accesory Frame

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