Half Hearted Better Half

Posted on the 29 November 2011 by Geekheartsaday @geekheartsaday

i think some of the most common questions i’m asked about this mission is ‘don’t you get stuck  about what you’re going to do?’ or ‘don’t you wish that some days you didn’t have to create a heart?’ & i no i don’t…i have too many ideas some days & it has never made me feel negative or under a sort of painful pressure. But if im honest, today i did for the 1st time feel like i couldn’t be bothered. Im pretty ill still dude i got no energy & feeling like a snothead. Today with 32 days to the finish line and im feeling it.

So i thought between the sweat, nose blowing, coughing n feeling sorry for myself, how could i reflect this negative energy into a positive? The theme ‘half-hearted’ came to mind as that was clearly my attitude for the day…(or half-arssed as some would say!).

Whilst i’ve been whining n spluttering my Rick has been doing a super-fine job of playing nurse. You should be well aware by now that i hold him up as my other half, my love, my balance, strength & support.

So he is the better half in my heart art tonight xxx