Halloween ’21

Posted on the 01 November 2021 by Laurken @stoicjello

Surprise!!! No need to send the cops to make a welfare check. Despite the ominous nature of my previous post, I’m fine. It’s been a horrific 18-months for everybody. Lump me into that pile of loss and sadness. I’m no different.

I’m here to tell you—if you ever really want to be deemed temporarily insane, then don’t sleep for 48 hours. I get periodically and its loathsome… Insomnia is sent to us via the Netherworld. It amplifies everything, especially anything negative. I should talk to anyone or write anything when I’m so sleep deprived.

I love this time of the year, but Halloween is my least favorite holiday and that dislike goes way back. I never liked it, even as a kid. I really don’t know why. I only went Trick or Treating once and get this, I asked to be taken home early….mid session, with my orange, DayGlo Jack O’Lantern candy carrier containing one Crunch Bar, a Milky Way, a gross light orange circus peanut, and a smattering of some vile loose candy corn.. The last two items listed as that night’s one and only haul, had a date with the trash can.

Halloween parties were okay, I even hosted two consecutive Halloween parties a year apart when I was in seventh & eighth grade. No costumes or Southern Baptists (their call) because there was dancing!! Imagine, awkward 12 and 13 year olds trying to mimic what we watched our older sibs and complete strangers do on “Bandstand”. We waved and swayed to modified versions of The Monkey, The Jerk, The Twist, The Pony. The chaperones probably thought we were trying to swat flies or kick gum off of our shoes. Man, those two parties had our old Victrola spinning some righteous platters; all 45s mind you, but it was the best music AM radio could steer me to. I had an expansive radio collection at age 12. In all, I’ll bet it cost me $4.50. Some of the records I had were cut from the back select Post cereal boxes

Halloween’s only has redeeming factor? It kicks off the official start of the holiday season for many people.. Thanksgiving, Mawlid al Nabi, Diwali, Hanukkah, Christmas and New Years Eve. All fall holidays. the best season on the Gregorian. The days are shorter, the weather is a bit cooler and soon, many things will be decked out in green and red, just as Gucci intended it.