Diaries Magazine

Hampered by Too Much Choice for Last-minute Pressies?

Posted on the 13 December 2012 by Ellenarnison @Ellen27
Then choose a hamper... See what I did there with the title?

This post is for you if you are still trying to gird your loins sufficiently to face the fray on the High Street to get the remaining (or all of them even) presents. 

While there are many who will smugly announce that they did theirs ages ago, I know there are loads of us who haven't even started. If this whole topic makes you slightly sweaty, that's you too. 

So, I bring you the solution. A hamper. 

Some people, the Panther of News among them, think a hamper is a bit of a cop-out. For him a real present is only worth giving if the cost of its acquisition is greater than money. For example, he would turn his nose up at simple web surfing in favour of a grueling quest through frenzied crowds with Stop The Cavalry playing in every store. 

I think he's mistaken. Bonkers even. 

Simply visit a website, pick a hamper and Bob's your uncle. 

OK, the P of N might admit this is considerably less painful than his method. However, he will, rightly, point out that, for example, Auntie Esmeralda doesn't like olives and the hamper that is otherwise perfect has olives in it. Equally, diabetic cousin Cedric would like a hamper, but we don't one packed with sweeties for him. 

The answer - and I don't know why no one has done this before - is a hamper where you pick the contents yourself. Obviously. 

As luck would have it, Interflora (not just for flowers apparently) do hampers you can fill yourself. So save yourself shoe leather and other festive miseries and choose from a Christmas food hamper from Interflora, a Christmas gift hamper or a DIY hamper. 

I have been paid to post about Interflora's hampers on my blog - don't let this put you off, they do look rather good... especially these ones...

Hampered by too much choice for last-minute pressies? Hampered by too much choice for last-minute pressies?

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