Hang on real tight Mate, don't let bloody go!

About 2003 in the summer, just before Christmas, we went to the Waimate rodeo in the South Island, New Zealand. My young bloke James won the sheep riding event!
Sadly there is no photo or video of the epic ride I was too busy chasing the bloody sheep hoping I could catch him if he fell hard, but the crowd cheered and roared and the boy hung on for dear life I'll tell ya.
A lad with a streak of stubborn tenacity...

If he can approach problems in life as he grows older with the same level of stubborn tenacity as he displayed riding that daggy old sheep, I reckon He'll do good.
He won prize money of $NZ 12.50, that's almost enough to buy a can of coke once ya convert it to $AU!
Edit: He also scored a pocket full of wool, he ripped that out of the sheeps back when he finally fell off.
A proud Father...

Mate, I was seriously proud of him that day. I think it's probably every Father's ideal to watch his boy grow up to display stoic courage in the face of fear.
I Have watched James come to terms with bullies at school with the same quite determination he displayed at that rodeo since. He is certainly well on track to grow up to be a knock about bloke just like his old man.
Australia is the last bastion of that kind of toughness in our modern world and I reckon it will serve our nation well to raise our sons to be stand up individuals. We face an uncertain future as a nation and it will be the task of our kids to carry us through.
Here's a tale of Billy Hayes from out near Alice Springs,
A wild young ringer in is day who done some crazy things.
He'd jumped bulls over fences, raced a colt up Ayers Rock,
See, his legs weren't built for walking they were made for riding stock.
A legend round the rodeos from Aileron to Broome....
The toughest bull of em all.

The best information I could find about chainsaw comes fromMechanicalbullhire.com.au
"The most famous Brahman Bull in Australian Rodeo history is Chainsaw. Chainsaw had an expansive career of over 10 years on the circuit. Being one of the toughest and roughest bulls to ride, only nine cowboys were ever successful on Chainsaw. The King Brahman Bull had a very impressive record.
Chainsaw won Australia's Bull of the year a world record of eight times from 1987 to 1994 becoming a legend in rodeo and bull riding circuit around Australia.
Chainsaw had a unique a powerful bucking style that was hard to track and predict and even though Chainsaw was not a large bull, these abilities made it difficult for cowboys to ride.
Cowboys tried to study Chainsaw movements without success, Chainsaw had the ability to shift direction and do whatever it takes to throw the rider to the ground.
Chainsaw was notorious for a sideways jump with all four feet out to one side and turning back to the right all at the same time. This manoeuvre was almost impossible for left handed cowboys and made it difficult to anticipate the next move. With each successful buck, Chainsaw has an added personality by taking a swipe at the failed cowboy and charge to the middle of the pit before doing a victory lap in front of an chanting crowd.
A minute silence was given to Chainsaw when he passed, this reflected the respect he had received from the Rodeo Crowds and Cowboys. Today there has been no other Bull that has matched this famous King Brahman Bull."
Does it upset you to see animals treated like that?
Rodeo's are about skill. Riding skill. There is no better man on a station than the one who can toss a bullock or break a wild horse every time, quickly and without any fuss or muss. The stockmen of the Australian outback are a dying breed, this work is way too hard, hot and dusty for the kids of today.That's a shame, for the character this work builds in a young man is incredibly valuable. Staunch, stoic perseverance in the face of any hardship. It's a very big part of what it means to be from the bush, to be Australian. What do you think, are rodeo's cool or cruel?