Self Expression Magazine

Happens for the Better

Posted on the 20 March 2012 by Jyothi @juxtatcr
Whatever happens always happens for the better. Is it ok to believe this?
In life so many tragedies happen. Some of them are truly unspeakable. Some of them brings tears into our eyes. Some tend to make us feel lucky that we are not a part of it. Some just leaves us numb.
Whatever is the reason or the outcome of such tragedies, someone or the other at some point would have said, "Things always happen for the better".
If you come to think of it, it's a lame excuse. But when it comes to tragedies, what else can you look for. There is no logic in why certain things happen to certain people and not the others. It's a simple case of Randomness.
I keep shifting my focus from one thing to another. Sometimes I do go back to what I was doing before and sometimes, I never look back. But one thing is common to all these changes. They have always taught me something new. Change is good. Being the same person, looking the same way, talking to the same people, eating the same kind of food, being at the same place of work, or staying in one home throughout our lives might be acceptable to many.
I have always loved change. It's a miracle that I spent 12 years of my life staying in the same house and going to the same school. There was never a change from this basic routine. Friends and relatives were also the same for that period of time. Very few additions and a very few subtractions.
Ever since I entered college, my life has not stayed the same for more than 2 years. I have shifted homes, I have shifted between states and even between countries. As a result of this change, my kids have shifted homes often too.
What stuck me about this whole shifting and moving and changing is that, all of it has made me a better person. I have learnt something from every change.
Recently my daughter asked me, "Mom, can we stay in this house for the rest of our school life at least?". I looked at her and wondered what her life would have been like the past few years. If she were ever to blog about her past and about her parents, what would the content be like? Would she be glad that there were so many changes in her life and that each change was a learning experience , or would she say that life was never a stable one.
Life takes a full circle I guess. Not long ago I was wondering where life would lead me and I couldn't wait for a whole lot of changes to happen to me. Here, my daughter is wondering if there will be stability in our lives for the next 5 years.
What I am to tell her? That her parents are ambitious when it comes to exploring life and its options. Or that there is no guarantee to anything in life.
Whatever happens , happens for the better. All I can do is keep believing in this.

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