
Posted on the 25 July 2016 by Bellshann @bellshann

Happiness is something we all strive for. We crave happiness and we need it to survive. Happiness can come from all kinds of sources - love, friendship, shelter, warmth, comforts - just to name a few. We all seek our happiness from different places and that's one thing that makes us individual.

Sometimes, however, happiness isn't as easy to find as we would hope. All of a sudden that book you were enjoying becomes un-interesting, the clothes you liked wearing last week don't feel like yours anymore, driving to work on your own signing along to your favourite song just doesn't do it for you today. And that's okay. Things change, and sometimes so does your source of happiness.

When I think of a time I have been truly happy, I have lots of memories come to mind. I think of the time I first got on a plane, the time my Dad and I travelled France for two weeks, the time I met my love, the time I ran the furthest I've ever ran even though I felt like my lungs were giving up.

On New Years Eve 2015, me and my love stood on a dark, windy country road taking photographs. I took the photo below and it was just how I imagined it would look. As the clock hit midnight, fireworks went off from all of the towns around us. It was like our own display and we could see it from afar. People were singing and dancing, somewhere, all over the world, and we were together watching it. It felt like there was happiness all around me.