Happiness Hotspots

Posted on the 24 June 2013 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

The week gone by has been very interesting for me, finding my happiness hotspots. I know I write about taking a digital vacation often, usually forced by our electricity taking a vacation, but during the past few days, I’ve been literally blackmailed into staying offline. Okay, not really – I have a choice. But I let ego get in the way (in a nice way) and simply decided to shut. down. my. computer. and enjoy…

happiness hotspots

You see, my internet service provider has been hounding me with warning alerts to let me know I’ve used up 80% of my usage quota. Once is thoughtful. But when it looked like I was using all the remaining 20% looking at their home page insisting I buy more usage, I thought enough is enough and closed the browser.

I didn’t worry about social media since I have set up sharing for all the blog posts I read. As far as participating in the June photo a day challenge on my blog Coffee With Mi is concerned, I wrote the short posts offline and spent two minutes uploading them. Yes, I know I can use Windows Live Writer – but sometimes the formatting becomes messy and adding the photos becomes a bit of a pain.

Anyway, I have to confess, yet again, that it has been quite nice to be offline.

Result? I got a lot of things done. And a big “yay!” to that. I love how life’s lessons ease up on us.

So, again, let me celebrate the small  things in life. Although, come to think of it, some of these are some pretty big ones!

  • I realized that I was unexpectedly achieving the discipline and time management I meant to enforce on myself.
  • My kitchen was a hub of activity. I prepared for the coming week as we would all be back to the grind. I enjoy cooking from scratch – I find it easy that way. (thank you, Mom!)
  • It was the last week of my son’s vacation before the academic year began today and it was a flurry of activity getting the new school uniforms and getting other stuff ready.
  • We spent a lot of time together at home watching, yes, you guessed it – Columbo. I also watched Madagascar for the nth time.
  • I enjoyed marathon conversations with my two closest friends and that in itself, is a mini vacation for me. Solid happiness hotspots.
  • I have a stack of books pending for book reviews and I’ve gotten started on those.
  • I learned the word “infobesity” and couldn’t stop laughing. So apt, no? I know I suffer from it with information overload!
  • Somewhat guiltily, I’ve started working on an editorial calendar for my health blog Your Medical Guide. I moved it to self-hosted WordPress a few months ago and just didn’t find the time to post. It was as though I jinxed it with the move. I just shook out that silly cobweb from my head and starting July, will publish regularly there.
  • I spent some lovely hours on our large terrace, enjoying the beautiful evenings and sometimes, rain.
  • On Thursday, we watched one of our favorite programs on Doordarshan TV channel – Gaata Jaaye Banjara. We love it. Unexpected and glorious!
  • A pleasant surprise awaited me in my inbox on Tuesday from “Windchimes” telling me that I was their Blogger of the fortnight. Cute, no?

  • Somewhat shamelessly, I am catching up with replying to comments in the short time I spend online. I am honored you take the time to respond to my post and treasure your comments – and feel truly embarrassed I don’t reply right away. I’ve resolved to do better from now on.

And now, some pictures from the week:

I saw this darling pair while out on a walk.  Lots of donkeys in our neighborhood. Stop snickering!

We are making the most of these beauties before the season comes to an end…which will be soon! Mangoes! heavenly.

This is the motorcycle our traffic policemen use. Cheetah print. How symbolic! This is parked outside the police station.

And closer home – in the kitchen in fact – cutlets are busy frying to go into burgers.

And here are the burgers – ready to eat!

Followed by chai – tea.

A walk on the terrace – it was gloriously sunny  - and clouds gathering on one side – an eerie type of sunlight you know? That’s Vidur and me watching the trees swaying in the breeze. It  was a beautiful evening – with a drizzle followed by a rainbow. Definitely happiness hotspots!

Here’s a part of a Jain temple wall in the market place – very meticulously done carving, don’t you think?

I did worry at times. But imagined myself lounging in one of these: I covet it! I don’t mind worrying in it preferably with a cup of coffee to help my thoughts flow! One of my favorite happiness hotspots!

After all, no matter what happens, as Robert Frost says - life goes on!

 I am grateful for my happiness hotspots!

I am linking up with the fabulous Unknown Mami for Sundays In My City

Celebrate the Little things

What happiness hotspots did you celebrate last week?