Happy 1st Birthday Hooah and Hiccups!

Posted on the 09 July 2013 by Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups


Well friends, it's been ONE year since I switched over from Wordpress, changed the name of my blog, and really stepped foot into a community unlike I've ever experienced before. I have made amazing relationships, found others that I can relate to on levels I didn't know possible, and learned so much about myself in the process.

I just wanted to say thank you for supporting me in every way possible this past year. It's been such a learning experience and through the ups and downs of marriage, parenthood, friendships, and more, I've been able to look back at my posts and visualize how I want to live my life. Writing has fortunately always come easy to me and it means the world that I can share my life with all of you and receive the support and love you give me each and everyday! 
Thank you again and I hope this is just the beginning :) 
"Check out this month's featured blog: They Call Me Mama"