My family during New Year's Eve
Happy 2018 everyone!
It might be a little late for the greeting because 15 days passed by since New Year, so hello to my readers, if I have one. Haha My promise for this year as always, I will blog more. I have a legit reason for being hiatus during 2017, I got pregnant and I have a lot of adult-ing stuff happened. My hormones during the first trimester of my pregnancy were the worst, so moving and even eating was not an option. I will have a separate and detailed blog about my pregnancy. Daming ganap sa life ko after wedding, which I haven't done posting it and our Japan travel too. Oh my gosh! Backlog forever and ever. Yes! I am the backlog queen! HAHAHA
I am so thankful for there are still people viewing my blog. Haha Anyways, with this post I hope I can follow up it religiously. I really hope after giving birth, I will not give another gad damn reason for not posting again. Hihi
Cheers for 2018! Wishing everybody, a wonderful year ahead and diet diet na din. Wag na ipabukas, NOW NA! (with Tito Boy Abunda's voice insert here)
I hope to see you here more often.
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