It was B1 and B2′s 3rd birthday last Tuesday. We had a great day with a play at Little Feet Play Cafe in the morning with some family. Then we came home for the kiddies lunch and nap, before more celebrations in the afternoon with cupcakes and presents and a play with family again.
It was also my birthday on Tuesday. Yes, for those of you who don’t know already, B1 an B2 were born on my 30th birthday.
Yesterday we had our parties.
We had a great kids party at Funtime 4 Kids with all of B1 and B2′s friends. Then we had some family and close friends back to our house for a little celebration for me (which was really a continuation of celebrations for the twins). We had a lovely lunch and lots of great company and conversation.
I made the birthday cakes for B1 and B2. Of course they both wanted something different. So two cakes it was!
B1 wanted a ‘fairy, ballerina, pink cake’. B2 wanted a ‘blue car cake’.
This is what I came up with, and to be honest, I am so pleased they turned out.
The doll cake was actually pretty easy. The hardest part for me was finding a bowl that I could cook it in that was the right shape and could go in the oven. Then all I had to do was cut a circle in the middle, cut some of the dolls legs off and stick the doll in. Then ice and decorate.
The car cake was a little more intricate but still not overly hard. I already had a car shape mold for the cake. Then I just had to ice it, decorate with lollies and licorice (cut into strips) and then I used an icing pen for the windows and the 3.
B1 and B2 absolutely loved them, which made it all worthwhile.
Sharing with Alicia for Open Slather :)