Self Expression Magazine

Happy 6 Month Anniversary!

Posted on the 30 September 2010 by Cbhojwani
Happy 6 Month Anniversary!After waiting for over an hour to get our bags while numerous other passengers collected dozens of bags each! We were forced to spend another hour and a half in morning rush hour before finally making it home! Truth be told, it wasn't as bad as I expected since it's a lot like India, just blacker! My husband likes to think of it as a 'Poor Man's Hawaii'....I'm not sure what part of the Island he saw. Still, the locals are friendly and courteous which is contradictory to the first impression one forms.Happy 6 Month Anniversary!
Once we got home, we saw we had 'gifts' from friends who were hoping to make our stay a little more comfy. One of Mr.B's friends was kind enough to furnish us with a fancy stereo and cell phone while another sent over a box of mosquito repellent and insecticide. I guess it's the Nigerian equivalent of Frankincense and Myrrh...just waiting for the gold now!All in all, the first day was quite decent and the fact that Mr.B went around telling every soul that it was our 6 Month Anniversary kept us in high spirits. I know, I know, I thought the same and even said to him,Happy 6 Month Anniversary!'You brought me here for our 6 month anniversary!?Happy 6 Month Anniversary!Still, when life gives you lemons....they better be organic! We went out for lunch to celebrate and the local delicacies of Chapman and Chicken Suya were surprisingly good. Everything was going well since I was pleased that Lagos wasn't what I feared it to be and Mr.B was pleased that we made it to the 6 month mark in one piece....that was until he, my MA (Hons) graduate and published author of a husband, was reminded of the date and realised our anniversary was the next day! And he has the nerve to call me Dopey!Happy 6 Month Anniversary!Mrs.B = 1 vs Mr.B = 0

Marriage Tip 27:If you're gonna' take your spouse to the jungle, don't only buy her a Chanel but make sure you get your anniversary date right!Welcome to the 6 month anniversary of our married life!Happy 6 Month Anniversary!PS: You'll be pleased to know I did manage to get some deodorant after all! Phew (as opposed to Pepé Le Pew)

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