Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (exclamation Marks Just for Vicky)

Posted on the 01 July 2013 by Ashleylister @ashleylister
I'm going to jump down, turn around, pick a bale of cotton,Jump down, turn around, pick a bale a day...
Yes folks, this week sees the second anniversary for the Dead Good Blog, and according to tradition that means COTTON. Though tradition states that these anniversary gift should be exclusive to marking the length of time two people, and remembering that this tradition dates back to the Roman times, made up of a man and a woman have been married.
I'm not the greatest one for tradition so I say they can be used to mark the passing of another year for anybody, and that people of the same sex can marry.
So this week we should be buying the Dead Good Bloggers gifts of Cotton. This could be t-shirts, plantations or Dot. However, in the United States things have been updated, there is a more modern, some may say relevant list. This new list includes gift like Clock, Silverware and Electrical Appliances.
This would mean that this year is the China Anniversary. Which in turn would mean more useful or wanted gifts. Taking this school of thought even further why not sell the Anniversary rights to businesses. So for the next 5 years, 10 years of marriage would be the i-Pad Anniversary or 4 years down would be the Amazon Kindle Anniversary.
This would certainly go some way to ensuring people are not disappointed by the gift their spouse has purchased to show they actually remembered.
So happy Anniversary Bloggers and Poets, here's to many more years.