Happy Anniversary to Mia!

Posted on the 26 April 2012 by Thehouseofhuff @Houseofhuff
Three years ago today, after 17 long trying days in the NICU, we got the call that we could finally take our baby home.  It was the best phone call I have ever received in my life!  If you remember her birth story, you understand WHY this was the best day ever. 
Even better than her actual BIRTH day.
The day we took her home we celebrated by going out to eat with family.  We have continued the tradition each year, because this day is huge to us!  Here is here 1st one year anniversary of that special day. 
This year, we spent the afternoon with daddy and when he went to work, we went out to eat with Meme, Poppy and B.  We chose a local fave because Mia was wanting “salat” (salad), and what baby wants, baby gets!

I plan to celebrate this date, every year, for the rest of my life.  Just like you celebrate your wedding anniversary, this day is so memorable to our family.  I can still tell you exactly what we were doing when we got that call. 
In that 17 days, I can honestly tell you that God was working in our lives.  I didn’t see it then, but can see it now.  He changed me and continues to mold me into the person I am supposed to be.  There is NO way I would have made it through all of those obstacles that were thrown at us during that time without God carrying me.

With all of that said, I’m being totally raw and real when I say I was mad.  Mad at God.  My faith became a little shaky.  Blow after insulting blow was slowing chipping away at my faith in Him.  I prayed relentlessly through everything, but didn’t feel like He was hearing me.  I begged and pleaded with Him to protect her.  I questioned His plan.  His love for me.  For her.  It was rough to put it lightly.
I am so thankful for all of my family, friends and coworkers who were with me and supporting us and praying for us every day.  I am thankful for the most amazing doctors and nurses who cared for my baby.  I am thankful for pastors and members of our church coming to the hospital and praying with us and over our little girl. 

But most of all, I am thankful for God.  His unending love, even when I was angry with Him.  For putting each and every one of those people in my life.  For lessons learnt.  And for giving me a chance and allowing me to be Mia’s mommy.

She is one loved little girl!
I am thankful for Mia every.single.day I wake up.  She is my breath of fresh air.  My sunshine on a cloudy day.  The answer to my prayers.
It has been an amazing three years!