Happy Birthday

Posted on the 01 September 2012 by Felicakes @felicakes

Dear Lil' Tiger,

Happy Birthday my sweet little darling. You have grown up so much in the past year. It has been a bumpy ride but I am happy that you were along with me the whole way. 

You have grown up to be such an indipendent little girl. It's amazing to see how much you are like me. You are determined, stubborn and a happy child. I would not ask for anything more or less from you. You have just started to speak now and your father and I are amazed how much you already know. Everyday you never fail to amaze us with your new found vocabulary or things that you have learnt. Just the other day, your father caught you doing something so sweet on camera. You were sharing your drink with your dolls. You kept asking them over and over again if they wanted more and you were feeding them. I was so touched by your actions that I teared up a little bit. 

Lil' Tiger, I have to admit that it has not been smooth sailing all the time. There were times where you were testing our patients to see how far you could push us. I have to admit that I am not the most patient person in the world but I have come to terms and remember that you are still exploring the world, you are still learning something new everyday and I have to remember to give you time and space to learn them.

You have also progressed on to sleeping in the big bed now. The night I packed your cot was a bittersweet night for me. That night I realised that, you were no longer a baby and I have to let you go just a little bit but Lil' Tiger, please remember that you are ALWAYS my baby. My first born and my pride and joy. Remember that you can always come to me for help even with the tiniest thing.  My baby, I am looking foward to the next year. Here is hoping to all the fun and happy things we do as a family. 

I love you forever and always. 

xoxo,  Mummy.