by Liz
Happy 1st Birthday Rider Chronicles! It was just a year ago that the “And the Ride Begins,” welcomed the first post of 63 to date (64 if you count this baby). What a labor it has been too! A labor of love, loathing at some time, excitement, exploration, and commitment. I am proud of the Rider Chronicles and excited to continue, even though it is different than initially set out to be.
Essentially a ‘bus’ blog about people and bus commuting, life changed and so did the Rider Chronicles. In the first year we’ve experienced a glimpse into Seattle’s commuters, a faux Olympic Bus Games (one of my favorites, by the way), and a few changes to the King County Metro system that was met with anticipation, but realized with total grrrr-ness. There was a 1800 mile round trip to Napa and San Francisco in the Fall, a spring trip to Michigan and Jeremy expanded our global view with The Horn of Africa and a dream trip on a 747 from Tokyo to Detroit. I’ve shared some big life changes and appreciated the warm reception to such a personal story. Thank you, by the way! Lastly, a major love story with Seattle unfolded with love letters and valentine request.
It has been an interesting year to say the least. This experience of ‘almost’ weekly blogging has been one of a challenge, in a good way and a welcome way to express thought. It brings me so much excitement and anticipation of what the next year of blogging will entail. The Rider Chronicles owes a great deal of appreciation to founding member Jamie for the push and excitement to get this off the ground. With the help of guest bloggers like Jeremy, a different voice has been heard as well.
I will blow out the singular candle on the cupcake to celebrate the Birthday/Anniversary, make a wish and dream of another year of happy posting. Cheers for coming along for the ride…