Diaries Magazine

Happy Father’s Day

Posted on the 02 September 2012 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

Today has been rather trying as you will see from my post, “Planet Pooh“.  Although we have had some issues today, we have had a great day! Happy Father’s Day everyone from all of us here at Mummy to Twins! PS. While on Pinterest I found some wonderful cupcake toppers for Father’s Day and they are free, all courtesy of paperglitter.com. I am sure they would not mind me sharing as they were easily available on the Internet.  See what they looked like below, they worked a treat, and I only used printer paper. Think how they would have looked if I had used nice paper.

Father's Day Cupcakes

Father’s Day Cupcakes

Father's Day 2012

Father’s Day 2012

Wonderful Cupcake Toppers

Wonderful Cupcake Toppers

Hope you all had a great day with Daddy, and the family. We did aside from the temper tantrums and meltdowns. I think daddy and mommy here cannot wait for the twins to be in bed.

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