Self Expression Magazine

Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of Love

Posted on the 18 June 2012 by A Happy Mum @A_Happy_Mum
Now that the weather is getting warmer, we can't wait to strip and get into more outdoorsy activities every weekend.
Last Saturday, we brought Angel to Brunnspark in Ronneby and had a ball of a time in the outdoor swimming pool where she ventured with us on all the exhilarating slides meant for big kids and adults. In fact, it was so much fun that we didn't wanna stop even when the wind started to chill and our teeth were chattering.
Yesterday was Father's Day, a day dedicated to all the daddies in the world. Well, we do have a terrific one at home who decided to bring us to Lango Beach and have a barbeque. Just when I was craving for some BBQ food. *drools*
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of Love
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of Love
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of Love
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of LoveI've only been to this beach in Karlskrona a couple of times. It's a tranquil and peaceful part of the city suitable for beach and volleyball lovers, couples who wish to laze around or get a tan, families with kids who love to roam about, fly kites, feed the ducks or play in the sand. Perfect for us.
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of LoveThe hungry Angel decided to have some fruits for appetizer and she couldn't get enough of the cherries. I love how she eats them up clean, throws away the seeds and gets her hands, mouth and face all smeared with the red juice.
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of LoveGuess what? As usual, we didn't check the weather forecast and assumed it to be a hot, sunny day till we felt the raindrops barely five minutes after we arrived. Thank goodness I had this cute umbrella in my bag which fascinated Angel and kept her dry. But you know what, we were truly lucky and the drizzle came and went in a couple of minutes before the bright sun returned with its glow.
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of LoveThere, our household BBQ expert who prepared and cooked all the food. Yeah yeah, why was he doing all the hard work on Father's Day? It was just cos' he's the best hubby and well, the food wouldn't be half as nice if I was the one who prepared them so I'd best stick to my role as the babysitter.
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of LoveSee! One of our first food platters. Among the three of us, or rather two and half, we ate prawns, cuttlefish, beef, chicken wings, bacon, mushrooms, carrots, brinjals, crab sticks, onions and marshmallows. *gulps*
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of Love
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of Love
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of Love
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of LoveOur girl was eating happily away, her favorite being the BBQ chicken wings.
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of LoveGuess what's my ultimate favorite BBQ food?
It's the super oily, juicy, salty but yummylicious B-A-C-O-N. Nothing else even comes close. Yes, I don't care how many calories each slice of it contains, I can jolly well eat a pack and crave for more.
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of LoveOne of Angel's favorite pastime was playing with the sand and searching for ants in the midst. Outdoor activities are so crucial to any child's development, don't you think so? Besides, she's always so happy whenever we bring her out, she doesn't care where we go so long as she is with both Daddy and Mummy.
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of Love
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of LoveFor a moment, we were surrounded by a flock of hungry seagulls who were shrieking as if they were saying "We want food! We want food!" But the hubby said they would all rush down and attack our food once we started to feed one of them, so we decided to leave the feeding part for the last.
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of LoveThe happy girl ate her first ever marshmallow!
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of Love"Mummy, I have marshmallow! Hooray!"
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of Love"What??! You wanna share?"
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of Love"But it's so small, can I keep it for myself, pretty please?"
Yes dear, for you, I can give up anything.
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of LoveTo the wonderful Daddy, we love you and thank you for making the BBQ happen!
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of Love
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of LoveOur day ended with feeding the ducks and birds. Just when we were about to leave, big raindrops fell from the sky and a heavy downpour followed just when we got into the car. Phew. We were indeed lucky and the skies were so kind to let us finish our meal in peace and joy first.
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of LoveBack at home, I had baked a Japanese cotton cheesecake and we held a ceremonial cake-cutting and candle-blowing session just so to make our girl happy, who kept insisting it was her birthday. Birthdays only happen once a year, my dear, I'll be devastated if you turn one year older every other day!
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of LoveHappy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of Love
Angel also made her second card ever, a simple card filled with underwater animal stickers for the fish-lover Daddy, a picture recycled from the hubby's birthday cake last month, lots of scribbles inside which Angel proudly announced "See, I wrote there 'I Love You'!". Awwww. 
Happy Father's Day - BBQ, Sun, Beach and Lots of Love
To my dearest Angel, you are truly blessed to have this kind, charming man to call your Daddy. One who never hesitates to take you out to the park or playground after a long day at work, one who doesn't shun away from your smelly poop and willingly takes you for a bath, one who is generous and brings you out on holidays often so that you can explore the world, one who cooks delicious meals and buys ice cream for you, one who treats you like an angel and holds you like a gem. Because that's what you are, my love.
To the hubby, hope you had a great celebration and wishing you a Happy Father's Day. The first real one which we celebrate together, when our darling Angel can wish you, kiss you, hug you and shower you with lots of love on this special day.
May all fathers in this world feel the wonders of fatherhood and be reminded of how loved they are today and every day.

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