Happy First Birthday Alyssa!!

Posted on the 01 March 2013 by Steveonline @steve_online

WOW a year has just flown right on by! It was only ~20 months ago we found out our little bundle of madness was going to join us on the journey of life. Since there is no way in 2013 to wish my little monkey a happy birthday (She’s a 2012 Leap Day baby) I figured the last moment 11:59pm on the 28th was as close as we can get. Some people celebrate March 1st which I guess in some ways would be the 29th of February but we decided to celebrate on the 28th each year and on the 29th every fourth year on the correct date!


A little get together over the weekend to celebrate and there is so much to be excited about. She feeds herself mostly, walks, is starting to talk, enjoys books (although sometimes upside down), and is always switched on the happy train. I’ve never seen a kid smile and laugh so much, you can drop a pot on your foot and you’ll get a chuckle.

Here are a few links from her first year in review:


Then we decided a name here: http://stevelichtman.com/and-the-babys-name-is/

Lamaze Class proved to be an interesting blog post: http://stevelichtman.com/lamaze-and-you-who-doesnt-like-live-birth-videos/

We finished her bedroom with 2 days to go. Literally the doctor told us 6 days before the C-section “We gotta get this huge baby out of you next week honey”, the doc penciled us in for Leap Day, and I had a short window to get it finished up! Came out great and although a lot messier now with all of the toys and baby stuff, it has held up well in year 1 only change was moving the changing table and adding a corner shelf near it for supplies. http://stevelichtman.com/alyssas-room-is-complete-and-just-in-time/

Alyssa is BORN! Best… Day… Ever!!! http://stevelichtman.com/alyssa-is-born/

Eating? She likes to get messy!!!

I like to get messy!

All the way to current day baby where she now WALKS and even TALKS (i have a ma ma video i need to find and upload as well but the vocab increases now daily)  it’s obvious to us now that the road of Alyssa has only just begun!

Happy 1st Birthday Alyssa, we love you!