Self Expression Magazine

Happy Friday the 13th!

Posted on the 13 April 2012 by Bunnysunday @missbunnysunday
Happy Friday the 13th!


Today is the second of three Friday the 13th’s happening this year. There’s a third one in July *thunder* *lightning*

In honor of this not-so-auspicious day, here are 13 ideas for your Friday the 13th itinerary:

1. Watch all of the Friday the 13th movies, except for Jason X because it takes place in outer space (and you know how I feel about movies that take place in outer space)

2. Buy a baker’s dozen of something. I’d go with cupcakes; you might choose steaks.

3. Have a party with 13 guests. Light some candles and get out the Ouija board.

4. Wear a costume, buy candy, decorate your house all creepy-like. I love Halloween and isn’t Friday the 13th really just a mini-Halloween?

5. Send someone 13 flowers, especially if they’re superstitious. Nothing says “I love you but now you must die” like a bouquet of 13 flowers.

6. Pet black cats, walk under ladders and step on cracks… just to see. It’s a science experiment.

7. Give thirteen dollars to a charity. I suggest any charity that looks after kitties or narwhals. Or an alpaca sanctuary. Here’s an article I wrote for about reputable animal charities.

8. Get a tattoo. Lots of tattoo parlours offer cheap “13″ tattoos on Friday the 13th, so roll up your sleeve and get in line.

9. Do something healthy, like 13 yoga poses or 13 minutes of meditation.

10. Un-do your bad luck. If you’re having a bad day, try doing 13 things to counteract it: look for a 4-leaf clover, pick up pennies, hang up a horseshoe, etc.

11. Drink 13 glasses of wine.

12. Drink 13 shots of tequila (DON’T)

13. Compile a Friday the 13th playlist with 13 songs to bring you luck or 13 creepy, dark songs. I recommend Marilyn Manson or songs from Disney movies, depending on what atmosphere you’re going for…

Happy Friday the 13th!

Happy Friday the 13th! Happy Friday the 13th! Happy Friday the 13th! Happy Friday the 13th! Happy Friday the 13th! Happy Friday the 13th!

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