Self Expression Magazine

Happy Friday the 13th

Posted on the 13 September 2013 by Bunnysunday @missbunnysunday

friday the 13

I love all things scary and dark, so Friday the 13th is up my haunted alley. Here are some ideas for making the most of this auspicious day:

Your Friday the 13th soundtrack can be found here.

Hold a dinner party. Invite 12 people. Set 13 places at the table. Watch for spirits.

Friday the 13th lore for your reading pleasure.

Dust off your ouija board. Ask the spirits if they have any Friday the 13th superstitions or stories.

Read your tarot cards. Ask if any bad luck is coming your way.

Friday the 13th movie marathon.

Buy a bouquet of 13 black dahlias or burgundy chrysanthemums. Frightfully pretty.

Light 13 candles in front of your bathroom mirror. Say “Bloody Mary” three times. I dare you.


If you survive the day, congratulations.

Welcome to the dark side.


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