Posted on the 31 October 2013 by Genzelkisses

Happy Halloween everyone!  I really enjoy browsing instagram (add me up! @genzelkisses) and seeing costumes and halloween makeup looks everywhere.  I’ve never ever celebrated Halloween (not even a party) since birth so I don’t really have any idea how it goes.  I’ve been planning to create a makeup look for this but I don’t know, I’m not yet in the mood for it.  I want to look like a witch and I’ve bookmarked makeup pegs already. Gaaah, hopefully by tomorrow I can do it or might just end up with an NOTD.

Greetings from Taylor Swift!

Photo credit here: http://taylorswift.com/users/uRxWzvu2/blogs/3430911

Instead of playing with my makeups tonight, I just played my instruments, practiced, and decided to record a song.  My motivation for improving my music skills in on the everest so I’ll take advantage of it.  I hope you like this song for you.

By the way, this is a draft song, not polished but still I think it’s good

Happy Halloween everyone!  Have a great weekend! <3