Nest Egg © lynette sheppard
These days I look forward to birthdays with equal parts trepidation, amazement, and delight. It seems they are coming around faster – didn’t I just turn 50 a day or two ago?
I’m amazed at all the changes, that’s for sure. And I’m generally delighted to celebrate with friends and family. Still, I fondly remember as a child when my mom would tell me that I could do (and eat) anything I wanted for my birthday. In my second adulthood, I realize that I miss that.
So I’ve decided to have a rebirth day. I’m picking a day where I literally do (yes, and eat) anything I want. A day of personal hedonism. I recently found out that my mom tries to set aside a day each week that she calls “Be Good To Betty Day”. Hmmmmm must be something in the genes.
I’m really enjoying the planning phase. So many possibilities. What would most feed my soul? What might contribute to my rebirth? Besides, if not now, when? I have to work (play) on what my second half of life is going to look like.
Thursday is the big day. Dewitt is on a business trip; I’m home alone. I’ll finish up chores and appointments before then and start up again on Friday.
I might go for a morning paddle on the lake while it is calm. Or get up early to photograph the wildflowers and hummingbirds in the forest fire burn area that is coming back to life. I’m thinking pancakes and bacon for breakfast. Then a little reading – maybe a hike. Scrabble with Theresa Venus might be an afternoon possibility. With wine, and of course chocolate.
I want really spicy food for dinner – Thai or Hunan. I’d like to read for awhile and watch the sunset. Maybe dance a little hula if I feel like it. Maybe not.
I’m hoping that this will be the first of many such days. I likely won’t be able to do one a week, but maybe one every month or two. I’m curious as to whether time will seem to be moving as fast or whether I can recapture the “endless” days of childhood.
Unstructured, delicious time. More nourishing than food. I want to consciously make this a part of my second adulthood. And unlike a child, I will be acutely aware of how precious each of these moments is.
What might your rebirth day look like? Or if not a whole day, a rebirth afternoon? A couple of hours? And can you create the time and space for your own small rebirth?