Unfortunately, I don't suit hats. With the possible exception of my leather outback hat that is (I don't have a picture of this to hand so below is a picture courtesy of http://shop.earthcirclecreations.com/
My hat looks like this one.
I was in the local supermarket the other day and found myself in the clothing department - looking for gloves as mine had gone walkabout - and I came across some hats. Well, I'd just been to watch Kingsman: The Secret Service, featuring Colin Firth looking very cool in a dapper English gentleman sort of way, so my ambition to wear a hat - to be precise, an £6 trilby hat - was awakened.

I tried this hat in different sizes, but no matter which one I went for, they all looked rubbish. In desperation I tried on all of their range of hats, in the hopes that one might suit.

I think the last one is actually the best one, and I am actually toying with going back and buying one.
Yes, a flatcap. Yorkshire through and through.
If you like the look of any of these hats, get over to the George website!