…Have All The Feels

Posted on the 30 July 2018 by Zer @the2women

Is it just me or are Sundays both the best and the worst?

Before you jump on your soapbox, let me explain.

On the one hand, it's the weekend. On the other, it tends to go by way too fast. Which leads to a whole mix of emotions.The good news is no matter how you feel about Sundays, this one still isn't over. There's still time to sit back relax, and pretend that this perfectly wonderful summer weekend never has to end.

To help you out, here's some summery #SundayFunday entertainment to let you soak in all the feels that come with this mixed-emotions of a day.

First, is there a more Sunday song than "Margaritaville"? No.

Next, a slightly peppier tune from SpongeBob. Oh, and it's a sing-along!

Finally, pure joy, courtesy of "Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again."