"Within yourself is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself."
Herman Hesse
I love the word "sanctuary". Sanctuary describes a cozy and comfortable place where we can go, relax, ditching our stress and other daily annoying stuff that upset our inner balance - a place where we can breathe in peace and center ourselves.
A place that feels like "home" you know.
Rather like Sheldon's spot.
I have mine at home-it feels just right when I sit there.
But that's not the place-or space-I am referring to now.
I am talking about that space within us which we can access when we need it-24 x 7-wherever we are at that moment and whatever we might be doing.
Have you ever experienced that feeling of being in a place that makes you feel absolutely safe-where you feel completely at peace with yourself? A space that calls for focus within rather than outside of ourselves.
During my childhood, my Mom taught me a strategy to find that happy space within me. She said: think of three/five things or events that always make you feel happy, no matter what. Write these down. Why write? Because sometimes we are so overcome with other feelings-feelings that don't make us happy-that we forget to remember. So, it helps to write it down and keep it accessible, to look at and regain our equilibrium when we need to.
This is especially necessary these days when we are left with that feeling of so much to do and so little time. We are full of good intentions but never get around to converting them into action most of the time. Some things just fall low on the priority list and stay out of reach.
And that is precisely why we need to have an inner sanctuary-that space within us that brings us peace. No need to depend on someone else.
We must take the time and make the effort to look within, get in touch with our souls, respect and love ourselves rather than look to others for approval.
Best part?
No need to spend hours meditating in twisted postures.
No need to make sacrifices.
No need to practice for ages and ages before you get there.
All you need is a few minutes and the desire to look within to find that place of peace that will be your sanctuary when you need it. Yes, it will take some practice, but it is so worth it. When you find that place, you will love the homecoming, that space where you can be yourself without reservation.
In this beautiful space that's exclusive to you...
No need to prove yourself to anyone.
No need to impress anyone.
No need to live up to others' expectations.
Will you do this today? Will you find that precious space within you?Some points to ponder:
When you hear the phrase "be yourself" what does it imply to you?
Can being yourself improve your life?
Have you found your sanctuary yet?Deep in the soul, below pain,
below all the distraction of life,
is a silence vast and grand-
an infinite ocean of calm,
which nothing can disturb;
nature's own exceeding peace,
which "passes understanding."
That which we seek with passionate longing,
here and there, upward and outward;
we find at last within ourselves.
~ Richard Maurice Bucke
Wednesday Wisdom is a series with short bursts of non-fattening, easy-to-consume wisdom in the form of stories, quotes, anecdotes, and humor.