Have You Heard of Varicocele?

Posted on the 28 August 2016 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

A couple of days ago, I heard about a condition called varicocele from a neighbor, who has been diagnosed with the condition and is considering treatment options. Apparently it is one of the leading causes of infertility in men.

For all the health information I read regularly, I was surprised I had never come across this. I thought it would be a good idea to share the knowledge and raise awareness about this disease, its causes, and treatment.

What is Varicocele?

Somewhat similar to a varicose vein in your leg, this is an abnormal enlargement of a vein in the scrotum (the pouch that holds the testicles) and a leading cause for infertility. These veins are called pampiniform plexus. It is a lifestyle disease and develops over a period of time. 15 out of 100 men have a varicocele. This usually forms during puberty and grows larger and easier to notice over time. While it can occur on both sides of the scrotum, it is more common on the left side.

How does it lead to infertility?

The blood circulated into and out of the scrotum must be pure to produce healthy sperm. If the venous system, which removes impure blood does not do its job because of a varicocele, impure blood builds up in the testis and affects the quality and production of sperm. This reduces sperm count and results in infertility.

What causes Varicocele?

Now this is going to get technical, but let me try to simplify it. We already know that the veins in our body carry impure blood back to the heart so that it is cleaned and pure blood is sent back to the organs. These veins have unidirectional valves that allow blood flow upward to the heart.

However, thanks to modern living, toxins build up in the cells and therefore, in the blood, resulting in a pH imbalance. This, along with the toxins, generates free radicals that group around these valves, preventing the blood from flowing smoothly, the way it should. This makes the blood collect in the veins, making them varicose and forming varicoceles.

Obviously, this does not happen overnight. It takes months, and sometimes, years for a varicocele to develop. The main cause is an unhealthy lifestyle.

Symptoms and diagnosis

There will probably be no symptoms, but the following are possible:

  • A lump in one of the testicles
  • A swelling in the scrotum
  • Noticeably enlarged or twisted veins in the scrotum
  • Pain that comes and goes

Diagnosis is usually via a physical exam by a doctor, followed by an ultrasound to measure the veins, if required. Based on the results, the doctor decides on the appropriate treatment, depending on the level of discomfort and pain, infertility issues, testicular atrophy if any and if the individual is considering assisted reproductive techniques. Naturally, the sooner treatment is started, the better the chances for healing.

Can varicocele be healed? What are the treatment options?

Yes, and that's the good news. To begin with, the person suffering from this condition must make lifestyle changes. Next, he must eliminate the free radicals that are blocking the valves and causing them to malfunction.

There are a number of treatment options including surgery and a holistic approach. Surgical procedures such as a variocelectomy and varicocele embolization are available.

But let's look at the holistic approach.

This includes medication combined with healthy lifestyle changes from Grocare India, a company dedicated to raising awareness about Varicocele.

The trio of medications, Nervica, Acidim and Activiz offer varicocele treatment without surgery . While Acidim works to alter the pH around the valves, making the free radicals weak, Activiz gets rid of the toxins in the area. Nervica keeps the blood flowing smoothly. This is a slow but an effective and steady process that strengthen the arterial and venous system. It also helps manage the body's pH balance, enabling the body to get rid of the toxins in it. Since the body is actively working to heal itself, once the varicocele is dealt with and removed, the medicines can be stopped.

In addition to medicine, lifestyle changes are mandatory. Unless a healthy lifestyle is followed, there is no guarantee that the varicocele will not reappear. The detailed diet chart from Grocare India helps to maintain the healthy lifestyle. When you eat and whether your body is able to digest it is more important than what you eat. Here is more information on varicocele treatment without surgery.

It is alarming to see the number of diseases one can develop simply because of not following a healthy lifestyle. Let's switch to one today.

Have you heard of varicocele?

Writer, editor, blogger, social media enthusiast. Love DIY, Coffee, Music, Reading, Photography, Family, Friends and Life. Mantra: Happiness is a DIY Project. In my free time I play with my dust bunnies and show my diabetes who's boss. Tweet as @vidyasury