I was right! Writing Chasing Joy has been an amazing experience. I do feel happier. I have better friendships. I have been pleasantly surprised at who in my life is supportive of Chasing Joy. A little disappointed by who has not been supportive, but on the flip side it is good to know where you stand. I have been braver than I would have imagined going to a blog conference alone in another state, trying new activities, and even speaking in public. This overall has been a great experience.
So, what’s next??? The #ChasingJoy Twitter party is what’s next. So many of you have visited this blog on a regular basis and it is really appreciated. Your comments have let me know I am not alone in my struggles and the way that I think. You have helped me with your suggestions and encouragement. This is why I want to throw you a party.
Actually it’s a Twitter Party. A Twitter party is where we all tweet about the same topic using a hashtag. You then search for tweets using the same hashtag so that you can follow the conversation. I like to use tweetchat to make it easy. Some people use hootsuite, tweetdeck and other applications to participate in Twitter Parties.
Our hashtag is #ChasingJoy of course. I want to do the #ChasingJoy twitter party so that I can get to know you all better and to give us an opportunity to have real time conversation about Happiness, wellbeing, gratitude, and anything else that makes us feel Joyful. The #ChasingJoy twitter will take place once a month. NORMALLY it will be the 1st Sunday of every month from 4 to 5 pm EST. HOWEVER the May #ChasingJoy party will be a little early. Join me on Sunday April 29th from 4 to 5 EST on twitter. Use hashtag #ChasingJoy and talk to me.
Now I can’t imagine anything else would be more important than chatting with me on Twitter during the #ChasingJoy twitter party, but if you do have something better to do like get married, meet the president, or receive an award, fear not! There will be many more twitter parties. So you can always join in next month. Be sure to keep up with me on FB and twitter to get the dates.
What would you like to discuss at the #ChasingJoy twitter party?