Headline Shocker! *People Read Your Blog!*

Posted on the 18 March 2013 by Lemoncakeuk @lemonfancy
Yes I know it is hard to believe but people do read your blog.....
I don't or didn't actually think anybody does! Well I know a few friends do but I sort of sit here typing out my silly thoughts on stuff and use it as a techo husband - as I don't have one. If I had a OH I would probably say all this to him but I'm more of a Shirley Valentine 21st Century and changed 'Hello Wall' to 'oooo a post' .....
So what has brought about this realisation?
I have just come back from a weekend away and discovered that I am a finalist for the SWAN AWARDS along with two of my best friends!
I wrote DROP a while ago after finding out a friend had committed suicide. I don't know how people deal with this issue, still a very taboo subject.
I am very proud to have made it to the final of the Most Powerful Post Award.
Sonya from http://www.rocknrollmum.com/ has made it to the final five for her hilarious post I found the Higgs Boson particle...... for the Funniest Post Award.
Lucy from http://theparentgame.blogspot.co.uk/ is a finalist for her very touching post Remembering Jack; A Little Man's Legacy for the Most Inspirational Post Award.
Both are brilliant posts; as are all the very deserving finalists for each category. You can find them all HERE
Thank you to everyone that nominated me, I am really very touched (and shocked you read this) and GOOD LUCK to all the finalists and very well done!
"Thank you to everyone who entered, and good luck to the authors of the posts that have been chosen to go onto the next round which is the judges’ panel. Results will be announced on the 13th of April as part of our Undiagnosed Children’s Awareness Day celebrations."