Self Expression Magazine

Healthy Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

Posted on the 29 July 2012 by Ourlittlecorner @ourcornerblog
Your metabolism plays a huge role in determining your weight. If you are struggling with weight control, you need to learn how to boost your metabolism. If your body can burn up fat faster, you will be able to lose more weight. Here are a few healthy ways to increase your metabolic rate.
1. Build More Muscle
Muscles consume more energy when they are put to work. A body that has more muscle would be able to burn up more fat easily. A larger percentage of muscle in the body is therefore ideal for burning up weight. This is analogous to the difference between having 2 children and 10 children ransacking the refrigerator. When there are more kids, the food in the refrigerator would get empty sooner. Likewise, when there is more muscle, these muscles will eat up reserves in the body more quickly, and help you lose weight.
2. Sleep Well
Your metabolism is also linked to the amount of rest that your body receives. You need to provide your body with good rest for the metabolic rate to function properly. But in order to sleep well, you also need to be free of stress. Do all that you can to keep stress away, and sleep well for better metabolism.
3. Drink Water
A large percentage of the human body is made up of water. Water is required for various important bio-chemical processes in the body. You need to consume an adequate amount of water everyday to keep your body healthy and functioning properly. A healthy body will keep you active, which in turn will burn up more fat.
4. Do Aerobics
Aerobics is any form of exercise that consumes more oxygen for the activity done by the body. Hiking, swimming or jogging are all forms of aerobics that will help you burn up calories and fat more quickly and efficiently.
5. Do not skip meals
Whenever you deprive your body of food, it would assume that food supply is in shortage and begin to conserve energy. Your body will automatically slow down by lowering the metabolic rate. So instead of burning fat, your body will start accumulating fat to tide over the perceived food crisis. Therefore, skipping meals is actually counterproductive while trying to lose weight. Eat a nourishing and well-balanced diet to lose weight.

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