10 minutes to midnight.
It is right when we discover a stairway to the basement. “Finally”, I mumble as we walk down. As my torch lights up I see a big room filled with metal shelves. I see dusty papers on the room floor, spiderwebs on the walls.
“So what’s so special about this place?” She questions as I’m trying to familiarize my eyes to the darkness. I forget to answer the question, seeing the Record player in the middle of the room. Walking towards it, my torch scans the shelves of the room.
“Vinyl Records!” I cry out in surprise. I walk towards a shelf, find an album of David Bowie and play it in the phonograph.
You alone across the floor
You and me and nothing more..
“This is a treasure!” I’m excited.
Her face looks blank. Although beautiful than ever standing under a moon beam leaking from a broken window.
That golden hair.
David Bowie Still sings.
Give me wings
Give me space…
“You don’t like it here?” I’m confused, Who doesn’t like a whole vinyl collection?
“It’s not just the place Quin.” She ties up her hair while walking halfway up the stairs. I follow her.
“What’s that?” She points at the new construction next to our building, a tower.
“It’s an old watchtower, They are reconstructing it, nothing interesting inside. Just the dirt and dust”, I tell her. My brain tells me to go back to the basement and explore more vinyls.
These noisy rooms and passion pants
I loved you..
“I’m going up! I’ll see you later Quin.” She opens the door and heads to the watchtower. I see no single star in the night sky.
“But, But It’s a long way up. Aren’t you scared of the heights?” I ask.
Why would anyone choose a tower full of dust over a basement full of value?
Heights, I love them.” She runs towards the tower.
Half confused and half hurt, I turn back to the basement to finish where I started. The song is almost ending,
I’ll survive
My naked eyes
I’ll survive..