I am a firm believer that everything and I mean absolutely everything happens for a reason. Let's take this a step further... People come in and out of "each" of our lives at all different points in time and ALL of it happens for a reason. Absolutely everything happens for a reason. This is non-negotiable. It does. And it's one of lives little facts.
A good friend of mine, Kori, from Blonde Episodes recommended I read "the five people you meet in heaven" by Mitch Albom and let me just say WOW! I'm not done yet, but I will finish it up this weekend. A truly amazing book. If you've read it - you know exactly what I mean. I highly recommend it and it's a quick read.
This book is pretty amazing to me because re-affirms my belief that everything and everyone in"your" life happens for a reason. Let me share a little something from the book:
Page 1 starts with ..."It might seem strange to start a story with an ending. But all endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time."
HELLOOOOOOO!!! Oh so true! I love this book. And thank you Kori for recommending it to me.
Each and every one of us brings a "special" something to each person's life that we encounter...even if it is short lived, momentary or long-term. I think this might be why I am such an upbeat, energetic person. And don't you worry I'm not like this happy 24/7 but, I do have my moments. Anyone that's been in my life over the past 6-months definitely knows this. But, regardless of the situation "I" am still here - I just might be hiding a bit. On a side note, I make it a point every day to smile at everyone I encounter because it may just make that person's day. Sorry, but I do really do "do" this.
I can officially say on this here blog that I am starting a new chapter in my life. I've "set" the ball in motion. I'm just sayin'...so, be ready for changes to ...this & that... and new posts, etc. Don't worry I will keep some of the same - I'm just going to add some spice.
Alrighty, time for dinner and I'll catch you later.