Hello 2015!

Posted on the 05 January 2015 by Asoloaffair @a_solo_affair

Hello 2015!

Happy New Year!

It's been awhile. Mind if I sneak back in here and start blogging again?

A lot has happened in my little life during the last 6+ months. I been tinkering with some really cool projects, writing for some new companies and other beloved brands - but mostly I've just been jumping at the chance to try out new things. When it comes to work, I pretty much want to do it all.

If you're a follower, you know I've been blogging sporadically and then sometimes not at all. I've written blog post after blog post that I've sadly abandoned to my drafts in the final moments before hitting the post button. For the most part, I think I've been hesitant to blog because the topics I was once interested in no longer had the same weight that they previously did. And I've come to the realization that that too is OK. After all, blogs are places where we individually or collectively come to observe or express documentations of our experiences. And all of us, like blogs, are and should be forever evolving.

In the next few months or so, I'm going to slowly start to explore some new subjects. I'm interested in examining topics like taking risks and alternative ways to live. And we'll see what comes of it.

I hope you're all doing well! I sincerely hope that over the last few months you've had some pleasant daydreams, read a thought provoking book ((or two)) and carved out some precious time to slip away and be alone.

We'll talk soon, ya?


Hello 2015!

Hello, I'm Stephanie. I am a creative copywriter, storyteller, people watcher, and an endless daydreamer.