Hello! It’s Been So Long.

Posted on the 09 September 2013 by Asoloaffair @a_solo_affair

Back to blogging! I hope you all are well. The last three weeks have been wonderfully refreshing! The Gentleman of the Road’s Simcoe Stopover was fantastic! There is something about listening to your favorite bands in the company of 35,000 people that makes the experience surreal and emotionally charged, wouldn’t you agree?

If you’re interested, check out Gold.Faced.Betty‘s recap post of our trip (there is an incriminating photo of me dollin’ myself up in our tent) and of course, my Instagram has a few gems.

I will fully admit that during my blissful time off there were moments where I was desperate to sneak back here to blog my little heart out, which only confirms just how much I enjoy spending my time here with you.

I can’t wait to catch up!
