Hello It’s Me

Posted on the 08 June 2012 by Somkritya @somkritya
some forgotten dreams in an old diaryhumming a known tunecalling my nameirks metempts methey have this rosy glowwhy now why todayi ask and they smile~♥~some forgotten dreamsin an old diary anda dried rose,token of loveit may have lost its sheenbut still evokes desirelong forgottenwhy now why today i ask and they keep quiet~♥~some forgotten dreams a rose and a small letterhand writtenan invitationin case somedayi feel my life is worth one more chanceforgive my selfand those aroundwhy now why todayi ask and it sparkles with hope~♥♥~some forgotten dreamsa rose,a letter and one phone numberi trembleas if looking at itwill breathe life in itno, the past has long gonebut my present chideswhy not now why  not todayand i make a calla simple helloand the diary starts singinga long forgotten song~~~~~© Somkritya