Hello January!

Posted on the 04 January 2013 by Omfgwinnie @omfgwinnie
Hello! I apologize for the lack of consistent and regular post updates but I've just been an overall busy person these past weeks and I'm only managing to quickly write this one on my phone! (Thank you blogger app)
I've not got much to say but first of all, Happy New Year and what are your New Years resolutions? I know many of you probably haven't made any as we all know its mere impossible to complete them! Mine were just to revise for my chemistry and maths exams coming up very soon. I've also bought more things since my last Boxing Day hauls, day 1 and day 2, being the obsessive shopper I am and will be sure to show you once I have time to upload the photos back onto my laptop. Another thing I have to mention is that I made another Popin Cookin Kracie set! Precisely the gummy land one, it was adorable but I did mess up quite a few of the shapes which were supposedly meant to look like sea creatures... I will make sure to post that as soon as I can too.
That is all for now, thank you so much for reading! P.s don't forget to follow both my Instagram and Twitter account, I haven't mentioned it on my blog as I had deleted the pages (by the way I'll have to sort that out as well, so many things to do!), they're both the same username 'omfgwinnie', bye for now!
P.p.s I've just created an Ask.fm account so don't be shy, ask me if you have any questions at all!