Hello Mr Chatterbox

Posted on the 24 June 2016 by Alex_bumptobaby @bumptobaby_blog
It's funny now when I think back to how worried we were about Ethan's speech. But back then, no matter what we did and how much encouragement he received, we got nothing. Not a thing! 
And it was like that up until just after he started nursery at just before 3 years and 4 months old. When suddenly we started getting some speech come through. 

I remember him sitting in the back of the car on the way home from nursery literally trying to talk. Like making the biggest effort even though what he was saying made no sense. Adam and I turned to smile at each other, he was clearly trying to copy the other children. We felt such a sense of pride, after so long our little boy was suddenly trying to discover his voice. 
We'd been through the worries, we'd had the health visitor round to our house, we'd been referred to speech therapy (though we never had an appointment) and we even went for a hearing test before we got to the stage of Ethan making any effort to talk at all. 
Part of me sort of knew that he would talk when he was ready. I think he is observant and I think he made a sort of little mental dictionary of words for himself, because when he finally did start talking it all sort of came at once. 
It started with 'Dada' and 'Mama' and he would call himself 'E E' and Logan 'Low-low'. It was the best, he could finally start communicating what he wanted. Suddenly he would be asking us for 'papa' (pasta) for dinner and making other little requests. 
From there on, he's learnt how to say all of his words and he now uses the correct words for out things. Cucumber makes me laugh, he says something like 'cu cu number' and he calls his favorite plane a bulcan rather than a Vulcan.
But in terms of speech, he's there! And he's definitely caught up, he started showing us that he could count and he can now nearly count to 20. He can say a lot of his ABC's. Everyday he'll say a sentence I didn't think he knew how to put together and he seems to learn new words every single day. The latest word is 'Massive'.. "Mummy it was so massive!'.
We've honestly gone from having a little boy who worried us with his speech, to having a little boy who rarely is quiet. He is a total and utter chatterbox. He talks all day long and asks questions about absolutely EVERYTHING and then once you've answered his questions, he has a thousand more ready and waiting. 
I think as a parent you do naturally worry when you're little one isn't talking by 3 years old, it's in our instincts. But it's also in our instincts to know our own children and I really did think he was going talk when he was ready. And he did. 

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