Hello, My Name Is Maren-coco

Posted on the 05 November 2012 by Marensmorsels @marentweets

and if you’ve never seen Mean Girls, then you have no idea what all this is about!

My nerd factor just increased by like 39 nerd-points I think.

Please, let’s still be friends.

A complete new redesign!

I completely redesigned my new friend Meghan’s blog: A Dash of Meg!

I her!  To the 28th power.

Anyways you should all check it out! It’s not 100% done yet but we’re almost there. Plus her blog is super cool and she has a really fun program called High Five Friday. You should join.

I loved working with her just a little bit extra because we have the same blog-style. We love the same colors, the same looks, the same everything. In fact, our blogs kinda look similar and that’s just because we like the same stuff. AWESOME!

FYI: I can do other stuff, not all my designs look so canvas-y and incorporate excessive amounts of teal. 



I ate a BLT + A on sourdough. Holy tasty.

I also had a bag of Baked Lays, because they’re delicious!

I think I might actually go to the gym today!

Yep. I’m not gonna lie. I’m feeling so good and positive after this morning’s post. you all really lifted my spirits so I think I’ll go and try it out.

30 minutes on the elliptical. Call it a day, people!

Puppy Fever!

I went to a baby shower yesterday and I held an adorable 3 week old shih tzu puppy that looked exactly like this little guy.

Now I have puppy fever and it’s not going away.

I named the puppy Winston and if I thought I could have successfully stolen him, I would have and he’d be living in the pocked of my jacket right this second.

My mother is very happy I haven’t done the above statement.
