Hello September

Posted on the 06 September 2016 by Dusana Bozenkova
It's a beginning of a new month and the best time to start over. It's a time of renewal.
I love summer and I'm gonna miss long, hot days full of sunshine, wearing light clothes (especially dresses and skirts). 
We spent all summer outside, going for a long walks, having summer picnics in the park or sitting on our terrace sipping delicious homemade cocktails. What better way to enjoy summer than on a terrace to be surrounded with your family and friends.
August symbolized summer, fun, picnics, sea, relax, short nights, holidays.
But September it's just as amazing and unique.
The falling leaves, golden mornings, smell of pumpkin spice latte (already avaliable in Starbucks), walk in the woods wrapped up in your cardigan and oversized scarf. Autumn clothes are full of earthy colors and I love it.
To me there is something magical about this month. Everything starts to slow down.
It's also perfect time to decorate your home for fall. From adding lots of candles with inviting scents to switching your pillows in the living room.
Enjoy your September everyone!
''By all these lovely tokens September days are here, with summer's best of weather and autumn's best of cheer.''
~Helen Hunt Jackson~
''There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.''
~Celia Thaxter~